This infographic is about the importance of games in the educational system because children are more familiar with these informal ways of instruction. The reason behind this is that when children grow up, one of the very few things they start doing is playing games. They not only play games, but their outlook on life is shaped by technological gadgets present around them. On the basis of which many people argue that as technology has advanced, and we have discovered new ways to do different things, therefore, traditional ways of teaching are not sufficient, and thus we must introduce something that will increase the creativity of children to the maximum. It is also acknowledged by many teachers around the world that when some multimedia or digital content is used in the class, the attention of the children increases by 40%. This has something to do with the familiarity because the things we are familiar with are more likely to attract us than those which we don’t know at all.
There has been a continuous debate going on between people that whether games should be included in the syllabus or not. Some people stick to the traditional sense of the gaming and argue that as gaming is only for fun activities if we add them in the syllabus; it will ruin the future of our children. The other people are more appreciative of technology and argue that as children are interested in the games, so we would allow them to play games, but this would be different from the traditional gaming because from now on we are going to add the educational stuff in the games so that children will learn maximum things when they are playing games.
There were different hypotheses in the past that whether games are really useful for the brain, and the latest research conducted by Paul Howard Jones explains it all. According to this research, the gaming is very useful especially for younger children because it increases the level of dopamine in the brains. The substance known as dopamine is believed to be responsible for making connections between different neurons in our brains. Thus, the more there are connections between the neurons in our brains, the more there are chances that we will remember things and would be able to recall them on time.
Games are also effective in increasing the motivational level of children. We always do things with the full motivation that we like, and as children love to play games, they are also motivated by this activity. Thus, different people argue that this motivational level can be used for better study purposes. “The children will retain their motivation and because of the educational content their learning will also be skyrocketed,” says Kyle Ward who works at Game Period.
Apart from all these things, games also increase different skills in children. For instance, when children play games, they develop decision-making skills, communication skills, negotiation as well as they develop to give quick responses.

Co-produced by: Game Period & Mana Blog... for all
There has been a continuous debate going on between people that whether games should be included in the syllabus or not. Some people stick to the traditional sense of the gaming and argue that as gaming is only for fun activities if we add them in the syllabus; it will ruin the future of our children. The other people are more appreciative of technology and argue that as children are interested in the games, so we would allow them to play games, but this would be different from the traditional gaming because from now on we are going to add the educational stuff in the games so that children will learn maximum things when they are playing games.
Games are also effective in increasing the motivational level of children. We always do things with the full motivation that we like, and as children love to play games, they are also motivated by this activity. Thus, different people argue that this motivational level can be used for better study purposes. “The children will retain their motivation and because of the educational content their learning will also be skyrocketed,” says Kyle Ward who works at Game Period.
Apart from all these things, games also increase different skills in children. For instance, when children play games, they develop decision-making skills, communication skills, negotiation as well as they develop to give quick responses.

Co-produced by: Game Period & Mana Blog... for all