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The Times of India

The Times of India’s latest and full news coverage, including photos and videos. Get The Times of India’s complete and up-to-date coverage of everything that is relevant and interesting — anytime, anywhere. This app, designed and developed for Android devices, brings you breaking news and unrivalled coverage of national, international, city, sports, entertainment, lifestyle, business, health, science and technology topics from India’s most-read and most-trusted newspaper. It comes with live cricket scores and a complete scorecard; local news from more than 30 cities; latest movie reviews by critics as well as readers; superb photo galleries; and top videos from news, business, sports, entertainment and lifestyle categories.

You can read stories or view photos in landscape as well as portrait mode. The app is highly customizable. You can choose and rearrange the sections, set your favourite city, change the background colour, and increase or reduce text size. You can save articles/photos for offline reading/viewing, and share articles and photos via email, SMS, Facebook or Twitter.

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