Powerful natural antioxidant . Helps resolves foul odors of breath and sweat.
Helps in blood purification and to balance Hemoglobin production.
Helps in combating Thalassemia and Anemia.
Helps resolves digestion related problems such as Constipation, Acidity, Piles, Colitis, Ulcers, Diabetes, Kidney malfunction etc.
Acts as a very effective energizer and health rejuvenator.
Helps overcome skin disorders and to improve skin / muscle tone.
Benefits the body cells, glands, hair, lungs, kidneys, liver, muscles, spleen and teeth.
Helps in combating diseases such as Cancer, BP, Menstrual Problems, Paralysis, Leukemia, Arthritis, Insomnia, Asthma, etc.
Highly effective for weight loss / gain along with diet plans.
Paste of Wheatgrass Powder with milk applied like a face pack helps overcome skin problems such as Acne, Black / White heads, freckles, skin tan / burn, etc.
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