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Top Five types of Android Malware

  1. Andr/PJApps-C: This type of security breach is in reference to apps that have been cracked using a widely available public tool. They are almost always illegal, although not all of them have malicious intent. Typically you would see this in an app that is posing as a paid version of its FREE and Original counterpart.

  2. Andr/BBridge-A: This type of malware, termed BaseBridge, uses an exploit to escalate the privileges of an app which in turn allows it to have more access to your device, usually downloading and installing additional content to your device that you don’t want. It also utilizes HTTP to transmit potentially identifiable information by communicating with a central server. BaseBridge can also read your SMS messages. Might make you think twice about what you write on a text or at the least do some more common and timely cleanup of those inboxes.

  3. Andr/BatteryD-A: This malware type is one of the most annoying. It promises to increase your battery life, and we all know how wed give a kidney to have a few extra hours of use on our Android devices. Instead of living up to its promises, the app sends potentially identifiable information about the user back to a server using HTTP and then spams your device with ads till the end of time. I don’t about you, but there are enough ads everywhere else.

  4. Andr/Generic-S: This is a generic category of malware. It includes but isn’t limited to applications that use privilege escalation and very aggressive adware. YAY! Sign me up.

  5. Andr/DrSheep-A: Some of you might be familiar with this type if you are firefox users. (Not me, My laptop is sittin on Chrome). Ever heard of firesheep? It’s a firefox plugin that allows users to hijak or basically hack into twitter, facebook, and Linkedin accounts that are on the same local wireless connection. Well DrSheep is the Android counterpart to this wonderful program.

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