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Earn more money from Google Adsense

While this could be an endless list, following are some good approaches which can get you good rewards:

  1. Contribute some articles to revenue sharing sites like infobarrel, xomba, hubpages and generate back links to your blog/website while earning revenue from your articles at the same time.
  2. Track where your traffic is coming from and optimize upon what seems to be generating more traffic and revenue for you. Check How to track Google Adsense clicks and earn more revenue
  3. Use statcounter/google analytics to track your website traffic. Also set up custom channels and url channels in your AdSense account for more insights.
  4. Experiment with the ad placement and track using custom channels.
  5. Try including ads "in between" the content of the article.
  6. Blend your ad with the website content, background etc.
  7. Use social networking sites like Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, Google Buzz etc. You can spread the message in groups of interested people like if your article is related to "Cooking recipe", share it with Facebook and Orkut group of people interested in "Cooking" and use similar hashtags in twitter(#cooking).
  8. Use social bookmarking sites like digg, stumbleupon and SheToldMe
  9. Try using "AdSense for feeds" to make some money from your RSS feeds.
  10. You might try YouSayToo to get some more traffic apart from the normal traffic you already get. Consider some points about YouSayToo Revenue Sharing to see if it suits you.
  11. Integrating with Amazon associates program and affiliate links programs like Clickbank etc. might append some more revenues.
  12. Most importantly, make sure your site is a niche site based on a particular content and not on various distantly related topics/categories. The recent changes in the form of Google Panda algorithm will hurt content farm sites.

Finally, content is the KING, so without some good content from you, it would be tough for you to make something substantial.

Know of something better? Let me know through the comments below :)

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