Improved support for working with multiple versions of the common language runtime side by side.
Changes in the exception handling model to allow catch clauses catching java.lang.Throwable to catch .NET exceptions inherited from System.Exception.
The Visual J# library now has the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute, which allows partially trusted code such as applets to run.
Support for Java bean-style properties.
Support for casting using the CodeDOM
Changes to some of the classes to support functionality equivalent to JDK 1.2 level.
The java.util.Locale class no longer allows fallback to a default region if the region is unspecified. This change can break applications that rely on this fallback mechanism. An indication that code is using the fallback mechanism is an empty string for the country/region parameter. However, it is possible to allow this code to work by calling a new function,
The java.lang wrapper classes for fundamental data types now support System.IConvertible, allowing these types to be used with the .NET Framework wherever System.IConvertible support is required.
Support for inner exceptions. For more information, see Inner Exception Support in java.lang.Throwable.
Support for documentation comments, in the comment style traditionally known as Javadoc comments for Java-language source code.
Java-language serializable types now automatically support .NET serialization.
Support for applet development using the Supplemental UI Library (VJSSupUILib.dll).
New Visual J# samples that demonstrate new features: