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Indian Railway Inquiries through SMS

Indian Railway provides SMS (Short Messaging Services) short codes for checking PNR, train availability, trains between two stations and ticket availability. Indian Railway provides these SMS inquiry numbers : 5676747, 55888, 56677, 58888, 57886.

For example, see how 5676747 works, provided by railZone.

sms TRAIN to 5676747 to get the list of functionality.

Welcome to railZone
send sms to 5676747
PNR - PNR status
TL - Train List
TA - Ticket Availability
TD - Train Delay

Checking your PNR status
PNR to 5676747
You can also check your PNR status by simply sending the PNR number to 5676747
Example: PNR 1234567891

Checking for Trains running between two stations.
Send either the station name or station code. Name of the city must be a single word without spaces.
sms TL to 5676747
Example: TL Delhi Mumbai

Checking for Ticket Availablity
sms TA to 5676747
Example: TA 2432 delhi mumbai 1Nov

Currently the service is available on Airtel, Idea, BSNL, MTNL, Spice, BPL, Vodafone and Reliance.