Indian Railway provides SMS (Short Messaging Services) short codes for checking PNR, train availability, trains between two stations and ticket availability. Indian Railway provides these SMS inquiry numbers : 5676747, 55888, 56677, 58888, 57886.
For example, see how 5676747 works, provided by railZone.
sms TRAIN to 5676747 to get the list of functionality.
Welcome to railZone
send sms to 5676747
PNR - PNR status
TL - Train List
TA - Ticket Availability
TD - Train Delay
Checking your PNR status
PNR to 5676747
You can also check your PNR status by simply sending the PNR number to 5676747
Example: PNR 1234567891
Checking for Trains running between two stations.
Send either the station name or station code. Name of the city must be a single word without spaces.
sms TL to 5676747
Example: TL Delhi Mumbai
Checking for Ticket Availablity
sms TA to 5676747
Example: TA 2432 delhi mumbai 1Nov
Currently the service is available on Airtel, Idea, BSNL, MTNL, Spice, BPL, Vodafone and Reliance.
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