Angular Interview Questions

- Difference between JavaScript and Angular 2+ ?
- Explain string interpolation and property binding in Angular?
- What is closure. Explain?
- What is view encapsulation in Angular?
- What are lifecycle hooks in Angular? Explain?
- Syntax for ngOnDestroy. What type of data is cleared in the memory?
- What is Lazy loading?
- Explain Observables, Subscribe, Async & Await with examples?
- What is Switchmap?
- How do components communicate(Components which dont have parent child relationship)?
- What is NgRx?
- What is NgRx Store?
- Explain about Dependency Injection?
- What is Activated Route?
- What are Templates in Angular?
- What are Pure & Impure Pipes?
- What is the process to run a angular application?
- How do you perform Unit Testing - using Jasmine, Karma?
- What is Interceptor?
- How do you implement Authentication in Angular? Explain about canActivate?
- Explain HttpClient?
- What is AOT compilation? What are the advantages of AOT?
- What are directives in Angular?
- Explain MVVM architecture?
- What are decorators in Angular?
- What are the various ways of Component communications?