1 | Skype: Use Skype to make free video and voice calls and send instant messages to other Skype users in India or abroad. You can also send pictures, videos and files to any of your contacts online. Available on Android and iPhone |  |
2 | Walletproof: For those who have difficulty staying within a monthly budget, you can set your budget at the start of every month and the program chalks out your disposable income level. Fill in your expenses as they occur and the app tells you how much money you have remaining for the month. Available on iPhone |  |
3 | Localbeat: An app for India, it gives you access to news and deals around your area. It is available for almost 40 cities. Offers and deals include those from popular online deal websites Snapdeal, TimesDeal, and DealsandYou. Available on Android and iPhone |  |
4 | Zomato: Find restaurants according to your budget and location with this app that has information and menus of more than 30,000 restaurants from 10 major cities in India. Available on Android, BlackBerry and iPhone |  |
5 | VAT Calculator: Calculating the VAT on your restaurant bill can be tedious but VAT calculator makes it easier. Just enter your total bill amount and percentage of VAT charges to get the precise amount. This will save you from spending extra money on hidden charges. Available on Android, BlackBerry and iPhone |  |
6 | Sodexo Outlet Locator: This Android app allows you to locate stores that accept Sodexo coupons. You just have to enter the area you are in and select ‘gift’ or ‘meal pass’ and it gives you a list of restaurants or stores around the location. Available on Android and iPhone |  |
7 | iBooks: It is a free app with many books. It saves money spent on buying paperbacks and you don’t have to carry your books everywhere. Available on iPhone |  |
8 | Oanda Currency Converter: It converts more than 190 currencies by using the daily filtered rates, helping you compare rates across Forex firms. Available on Android, BlackBerry and iPhone |  |
9 | Big Tipper: A travel app, Big Tipper helps you to calculate the tip based on the total bill amount that you have to pay. If you want to split the bill among a bunch of people then you can install the Tip and Split app, which is available for iPhone, Android and Windows Phone 7. Available on Android |  |
10 | Kayak: This app helps you scourge for the most affordable flight, hotel and car rentals in a city. It also helps you to compare the rates and deals offered on the selected service. The app also helps track flight status and provides access to various airline numbers and other airport-related information. Available on Android, BlackBerry and iPhone |  |